Empowering Odoo
We build great tools for partners to run amazing projects

We build great tools for partners to run amazing projects

The OLaunch Vision

We are here for Odoo Partners
Amazing tools to support Odoo Partners to be better and to run amazing projects. With over a decade of experience with Odoo we have the depth of knowledge and experience in industry to impress even the most seasoned implementers.
Building an Ecosystem
We started OLaunch as a platform to get our amazing Odoo partner tools into the hands of partners just like you. We are here to make your life easier, and to help you run better projects.
My passion is to make the hardest part of being an Odoo Partner the easiest. We are building tools and systems to help partners run better projects, deliver more and scale like never before. Bringing amazing tools and best practices to every Odoo partner
The missing piece
To build an ecosystem of tools to help Odoo Partners run amazing Odoo projects. From pre-sales, demo builders, accounting system conversions, best-practice monitoring, and go-live planning tools and so much more.

Tools for partners.
An ecosystem of tools for Odoo Partners and their projects.
Accounting Conversions
Automated. Comprehensive. Verified.
Full historical data conversions so you can save time and focus on what the client wants Odoo for.
Health Checks
Best-practice monitoring for your clients
Offer your clients proactive Support. Run fixes in a click.
Learn More
Demo Builder
Pre-sales made easy
Collect requirements from your clients and build a demo database in an instant.
OLaunch HQ
See an overview what your clients are up to.
Be proactive and in front of everything happening.

Automated Accounting Conversions
Is your prospect anxious about switching from Xero or MYOB?
Use our online tool to create a live Odoo 17 demo for your customer with all their accounting data in just 3 clicks. No fee for practice conversions. All from within your own white labelled partner portal.

Automated Accounting Conversions
Is your prospect anxious about switching from Xero or MYOB?
Use our tool to create a live Odoo 17 demo for your customer with all their accounting data in just 3 clicks. No fee for practice conversions. Do it yourself from within your own white labelled partner portal.